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How to Elevate Custom Drapery

What elevates drapery? What takes it from blasé to brilliant? In our experience, it's a combination of aesthetic elements like fabric choice and functional upgrades like motorization that take a drape from basic to beyond, elevating home style and providing environmental control for homeowners. Custom drapes by Hunter Douglas offer many facets for customizations, and our team at Fine Shadings & Décor can help you find the best ones to elevate the drapes in your home!

Open dining room with a large window, featuring Hunter Douglas Luminette® Privacy Sheers near Miami, FL

Fabric Choices

You'll never have custom drapes that wow if you don't start with a quality fabric. So, the most prominent and impactful way to elevate drapery starts with fabric choice. Custom drapes in the Hunter Douglas collection boast a vast collection of high-end fabric options, from woven wood materials to sheer textiles to exclusive lines of prints and patterns. The entire fabric library consists of over 4000 choices for Florida homeowners. Additionally, homeowners can elevate the light control and insulating abilities of custom drapes with the addition of a liner. Check out the unique fabric choices for these vertical treatments by Hunter Douglas:

  • Luminette® Privacy Sheers: With the combination of sheer materials and the flow and movement of custom drapery, this option has a softness that rounds out its design precision.
  • Provenance® Woven Wood Shades: Custom drapery with textiles spun from wood, bamboo, grasses, reeds, and other organic materials for a raw but refined vertical treatment.

Advanced Operating Systems

Upgrading the operating system is a great way to tailor custom drapes to the needs of your specific household. Are there young children or small pets in your home? There are cordless operating systems for drapes to remove the strangulation hazard that traditional corded systems pose.

Are there hard-to-reach windows in your home? Make your custom shades motorized for easier control. Do you have a smart home and want integrated options for control? PowerView® Automation lets homeowners connect custom drapes to their existing smart home or home assistant program. Customizing the operating system is all about optimizing custom drapes to suit your household and lifestyle.

Custom Accessories

For a put-together look, pay attention to the details. For custom drapes, hardware plays a significant role in polishing the final look. Choosing the right hardware finish is just as important as choosing the fabric itself. There are also options for fabric tiebacks for Hunter Douglas drapery that add another design element you can take advantage of. To integrate new drapes into room décor, Hunter Douglas also offers the option for purchasing fabric by the yard so you can craft additional custom accessories like throw pillows. These strategic uses of fabric and custom accessories can elevate the style and serve as a unifying element of your home’s design.

Contact Us

Working with the Fine Shadings & Décor team, Miami homeowners can design custom drapery elevated to their own personal style level and in line with their household needs. Request a consultation now to start getting new drapes for your home. Fine Shadings & Décor is located near Miami, Florida, and serves the greater Miami area.